General Terms and Conditions

Organizer: Lucas Teufel, Beuerfelder Str. 6, 96486 Lautertal
Marienbachzentrum Dittelbrunn
Am Steinig 1
97456 Dittelbrunn

Conclusion of the contract:
(1) By registering to participate in an event, the applicant declares the legally binding and binding conclusion of a contract with the organizer.
The applicant is irrevocably bound by this contract.
If the registration is rejected, the applicant will be informed in writing at least one week before the start of the event.
(2) The organizer may exclude individual exhibitors or suppliers from participation for objectively justified reasons, in particular if the available space is insufficient.
If it is necessary to achieve the purpose of the event, the organizer may restrict the event to certain exhibitors, suppliers and visitor groups.
There is no legal entitlement to participation.

Publication of names:
By signing the application, the exhibitor grants the organizer permission to publish the name of the applicant and, if applicable, other data.
further data and their storage.

Opening hours:
Saturday 11:00 – 23:00
Sunday 11:00 – 20:00

Set-up & dismantling:
Set-up on Friday before the event 19:00 – 22:00.
On the first day of the event 09:00 – 11:00.
All materials used for the construction must be flame retardant (according to B1).

Dismantling on Sunday is not permitted before 20:00!

Stand use:
(1) The organizer is entitled to check whether the exhibitor is using the stand provided appropriately and in accordance with the contract with regard to the size of the stand and the goods/services offered.
(2) If goods/services not approved or registered are offered on the stand, the organizer is entitled to have the stand cleared at the exhibitor’s expense.
(3) The exhibitor must ensure compliance with all laws, directives and regulations applicable to his offer.
(4) Floors, hall walls, pillars, installation and fire protection equipment and other fixed hall fixtures may not be pasted, nailed, painted or otherwise damaged.
Damage shall be charged to the exhibitor and will be invoiced.
In all other respects, the technical guidelines of the venue must be observed.

Cancellation, relocation and changes to the duration of the trade fair:
The organizer is entitled to cancel the trade fair for good cause, to relocate it or change its duration, or – if space conditions, police orders or other serious circumstances make it necessary – to relocate the exhibitor’s stand area, change its dimensions and/or restrict it.
Any relocation, change of time or other change shall become part of the contract upon notification to the exhibitor.
If the organizer has to shorten an event that has already begun due to the occurrence of force majeure or for other reasons for which he is not responsible, the exhibitor shall not be entitled to a full or partial refund of the stand rental fee.

Exhibitor passes:
Exhibitor passes will be issued on the first day of the event.

Terms of payment:
After the application process and positive feedback, the exhibitor will receive an invoice for the stand rental from the organizer in accordance with the details on the application form.
The amount is due for payment immediately within a period of 14 days.
If the stand rental fee is not received on time, the organizer may terminate the contract without notice.
The stand rental fee is payable by the exhibitor even if he does not participate in the event.
In the event of a cancellation or change of participants, a processing fee of € 150.00 will be charged. Cancellations are only possible up to 3 weeks before the event, after which a refund is no longer possible.

Sub-exhibitors, co-exhibitors, transfer of the stand to third parties:
The exhibitor is not entitled to sublet or otherwise transfer or exchange the stand allocated to him in whole or in part without the written consent of the event management.
Exclusion of competition may neither be demanded nor promised.

The organizer reserves the right to relocate or change the dimensions of the space allocated to the exhibitor or dealer or the exhibitor or dealer.
This does not entitle the exhibitor to withdraw from the contract.

Every exhibitor or dealer is obliged to ensure that they have adequate insurance cover.
The conclusion of appropriate insurance is recommended.
The organizer bears the general liability risk for the event.
He shall take out liability insurance for any personal injury and damage to property.
The organizer shall assume general security of the grounds and halls without liability for loss or damage.
The exhibitor is responsible for supervising and guarding the stand.
This also applies during set-up and dismantling times, outside the opening hours.

The organizer accepts no liability for damage to the exhibits and stand equipment or consequential damage.
Should the event be canceled or interrupted due to force majeure, the organizer shall be released from his obligation to perform.
In this case, the organizer is not obliged to refund any exhibitor monies received to date.
The organizer does not guarantee the success of the event in any way whatsoever.
The organizer also assumes no guarantee for the exhibitor’s profit and sales expectations.

Only persons authorized by the organizer are permitted to carry out piercing work at the event.

For hygiene reasons, smoking is completely prohibited in the exhibition hall. No animals are permitted. Every tattoo artist must work in accordance with the hygiene regulations of the state of Bavaria, i.e. sterile packaged working materials (needles, grips etc.), listed disinfectants (hands, surfaces etc.). Inspections by the health and hygiene authorities are possible.

The organizer is responsible for the entertainment program and for any fees payable to GEMA. Exhibitors are prohibited from offering entertainment within the scope of the trade fair that is subject to fees. This applies in particular to the playing of music on the stands.

Photography, drawing, filming:
(1) Commercial photography and filming within the event grounds is only permitted by companies/persons authorized in writing by the event management. The organizer and persons/companies commissioned by the organizer may take photographs and film for future advertising purposes.
(2) Should the exhibitor, his stand, his offer or parts thereof be photographed and/or filmed within the scope of (1) and/or (2), he assigns all rights to these images with this contract as a precautionary measure. No further consent is required for the use of images, sound and films made by authorized persons during the event.

General information:
Young people under the age of 18 may not be tattooed unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. The organizer accepts no liability for the tattooing and piercing work carried out. Each exhibitor is responsible for the cleanliness of his stand and must leave the stand clean at the end of the event! The instructions of the organizer must be followed without restriction. Claims against the organizer must be asserted within 4 weeks of the event, otherwise they shall be deemed to have lapsed.

Additional agreements are only legally binding if they have been made in writing and confirmed by the organizer.

Place of jurisdiction:
The place of performance and place of jurisdiction is the registered office of the organizer, Coburg. The legal relationship between the organizer and the exhibitor shall be governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.